7-1-7 Evidence Base
The evidence behind the target for containing epidemic threats
The evidence behind the target for containing epidemic threats
By Jon Hicks
The simplicity of 7-1-7’s three timeliness metrics means we can regularly monitor performance, evaluate interventions and document progress with full transparency.
By Jon Hicks
By incorporating 7-1-7 into existing workflows, we can make every outbreak an opportunity to improve how we detect and respond to infectious disease threats.
By Jon Hicks
Armed with clear data based on simple metrics, you can help any decision-maker understand the need for support, funding or policy change for better epidemic preparedness.
By Jon Hicks
Founded in February 2023, The 7-1-7 Alliance is a country-led initiative that provides technical assistance, financial support and a growing, global community of practice to help all countries achieve the 7-1-7 target for outbreak detection and control, as well as meet their obligations under the International Health Regulations (2005).
By Jon Hicks
Rapid improvement for early detection and response with the 7-1-7 target.