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3.3: Agree on remedial actions

The output of the stakeholder review of 7-1-7 performance is a consensus list of remedial actions. Actions agreed to be immediate should be designated to a responsible authority provided with the necessary resources to complete them. Longer-term actions should be documented for consideration during future planning activities. All actions should be recorded in a database. Ideally actions from 7-1-7 may be captured in existing project management software or databases or on the action tracker sheet of the Data Consolidation Spreadsheet. All actions should be written using the SMART criteria (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound) described in detail in Step 2.2.7.


Identifying immediate remedial actions in the United States

Review of performance against 7-1-7 for a measles case in the United States identified a response bottleneck: it took multiple days to receive the flight manifest for a person infected with measles. After realizing this delay, the jurisdiction determined that it did not have the correct phone number at the airport for requesting flight manifests. This led to an immediate action – someone was assigned to identify the correct phone number. This phone number was updated, which enabled the jurisdiction to receive a flight manifest within one day for a subsequent monkeypox case.

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