1.1 Identify 7-1-7 champions
Champions are government stakeholders who can lead change management, such as individuals with leadership responsibilities for surveillance, response and/or preparedness planning. Although 7-1-7 implementation should not be burdensome, it may require workflow adjustments, new tools and additional responsibilities for some staff. Experience has shown that 7-1-7 implementation is more likely to result in improved epidemic preparedness with the buy-in of at least one champion who can:
- Advocate for 7-1-7 implementation;
- Provide high-level oversight;
- Initiate stakeholder mapping and engagement;
- Convene stakeholders to review progress towards goals;
- Elevate high-level findings and priorities emerging from 7-1-7 implementation for the attention of leaders.
Once potential champions have been identified and introduced to the 7-1-7 approach, it will be important to assess their interest, and if possible, secure a commitment to support implementation of a pilot project.
Characteristics of a 7-1-7 champion:
- High interest in strengthening health security and the 7-1-7 approach;
- Current or former thought leader in public health;
- Ability to work and collaborate with multiple stakeholders across public health and other sectors;
- Persuasive communicator with strong advocacy and negotiating skills.
Supporting Tools
Global health security is only as strong as the weakest link.
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